Our story

Veles Technology

How it began

Founders of Veles Technology were always passionate about the newest technology and VR is one of it. These days we see big opportunity for VR evolution thanks to powerful computers.

The starting combustion for this project was the pandemy of
COVID-19 when the whole society started to move to online world more. At the same time it revealed how far we can use the VR.

Why Veles?

Brand Veles refers to our origin. Veles was a Slavic god of richness, magic and arts, also. Virtual reality is exactly that. Rich for magical experiences. It is full of fantasy, just as art.

Our vision


Headsets for VR are only a start. With our entrance and rise on the market we will support digitalization of Europe. We agree with European strategies which are trying to make a technological standalone Europe.


After our first headset enters the market we will produce many more products such as more models of VR headsets. We believe that future will give us technology to develop a wireless headset.


Headsets for VR are only a start. With our entrance and rise on the market we will support digitalization of Europe. We agree with European strategies which are trying to make a technological standalone Europe.


After our first headset enters the market we will produce many more products such as more models of VR headsets. We believe that future will give us technology to develop a wireless headset.

Veles Technology

Few words from the founders

Jiří Palička, CEO

For all my life I am interested in technologies and I am glad that through Veles Technology I can be part of this industry. My dream is not to hardly compete to the average, but to make Veles Technology one of the most successfull technological companies in the region. And who knows – once we will be Unicorn.

Dagmar Halová, COO

Ten years of doing business on financial market brought me to another life milestone. On September 2021 we estabilished Veles Technology. Startup that has ambition to be the first producer of VR headsets for retail market in Europe. My desire is to push forward and evolve not only myself but also my colleagues and the whole company. Veles Technology is targeting to become technological player and a helper to digitize not only Czech but also European economics.

Other members of our team

Meet our team of skilled graphic designers, marketing specialists and more!